Graphic Designer Salary in New Zealand: What to Expect and How to Enhance Your Earnings

Graphic designers

Graphic design is a dynamic and creatively fulfilling career that combines art and technology to communicate ideas through images and the layout of websites and printed pages. In New Zealand, the graphic designer role is evolving rapidly with the digital landscape, making it a sought-after profession among creative individuals. This article delves into the average graphic designer salary in NZ per hour, factors affecting these earnings, and provides tips on how to potentially increase your salary in this field.

Average Salary Data

The graphic designer salary in NZ per hour varies widely based on experience, location, and the specific industry sector. According to recent data:

Entry-Level Graphic Designers

Entry-level graphic designers in New Zealand typically earn between NZ$20 to NZ$25 per hour. At this stage of their careers, they are just beginning to build their professional portfolios and gain practical experience. Here are some key aspects to consider for entry-level graphic designers:

  • Minimal Experience: Entry-level designers are often recent graduates or individuals with limited work experience in the field;
  • Learning Curve: They may be in the process of familiarizing themselves with industry-standard design software and tools;
  • Junior Roles: These designers often start in junior positions within design firms, advertising agencies, or in-house design departments of companies;
  • Project Support: They may assist senior designers or art directors with various tasks such as layout design, image editing, and creating mockups;
  • Training Opportunities: Entry-level designers may benefit from on-the-job training, mentorship programs, or additional coursework to further develop their skills.

Mid-Level Designers

Mid-level graphic designers with a few years of experience can expect to make between NZ$25 to NZ$35 per hour. At this stage, they have gained proficiency in design principles and are capable of handling more complex projects. Here are some characteristics of mid-level designers:

  • Refined Skills: Mid-level designers have honed their design skills through practical experience and continued learning;
  • Project Ownership: They often take on greater responsibilities, managing projects from conception to completion;
  • Client Interaction: Mid-level designers may have direct communication with clients, understanding their needs and providing creative solutions;
  • Team Collaboration: They work closely with other members of the design team, including junior designers, illustrators, and copywriters;
  • Professional Development: Mid-level designers may pursue additional certifications or specialized training to further enhance their expertise.

Senior Graphic Designers

Senior graphic designers or those in managerial roles in New Zealand often earn between NZ$35 to NZ$50 per hour. With extensive experience and leadership capabilities, they play a crucial role in guiding design projects and mentoring junior team members. Here are key characteristics of senior graphic designers:

  • Extensive Experience: Senior designers have a wealth of experience in the field, typically spanning over several years;
  • Leadership Skills: They demonstrate strong leadership qualities, providing guidance and direction to the design team;
  • Client Management: Senior designers often engage directly with clients, leading presentations and ensuring client satisfaction;
  • Strategic Thinking: They contribute to the development of design strategies and concepts that align with client objectives;
  • Mentorship: Senior designers may mentor junior team members, offering guidance on design techniques, industry best practices, and career development paths.

Salary Breakdown by Region

The graphic designer salary in NZ per hour can also vary significantly from one region to another. Here’s a look at some key locations:


Auckland, renowned for its vibrant arts scene and bustling creative community, is a hub for graphic design professionals. Graphic designers in Auckland command competitive salaries, typically ranging from NZ$30 to NZ$45 per hour. Here are some factors influencing graphic design salaries in Auckland:

  • Thriving Arts Scene: Auckland’s rich cultural landscape fosters a high demand for graphic design services across various industries, including advertising, media, and fashion;
  • Economic Hub: As New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland serves as the country’s economic powerhouse, offering a plethora of job opportunities for graphic designers;
  • Cost of Living: The relatively high cost of living in Auckland contributes to the higher salary range for graphic designers, reflecting the demand-supply dynamics of the job market.


As the capital city of New Zealand, Wellington boasts a vibrant creative community and hosts numerous design agencies and studios. Graphic designers in Wellington enjoy a salary range of approximately NZ$28 to NZ$42 per hour. Here’s why Wellington is an attractive destination for graphic designers:

  • Design Hub: Wellington is home to a diverse range of design agencies, government departments, and creative startups, providing ample employment opportunities for graphic designers;
  • Government Sector: With many government agencies headquartered in Wellington, graphic designers often find opportunities to work on projects for public sector initiatives and campaigns;
  • Creative Culture: The city’s dynamic cultural scene, including film, music, and arts festivals, fosters a creative atmosphere that appeals to graphic designers seeking inspiration and professional growth.


Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, offers a distinct landscape for graphic designers. Designers in Christchurch typically earn salaries ranging from NZ$25 to NZ$40 per hour. Here are some factors shaping the graphic design salary landscape in Christchurch:

  • Post-Earthquake Rejuvenation: Following the devastating earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, Christchurch has undergone significant redevelopment, creating opportunities for graphic designers to contribute to urban renewal projects and community initiatives;
  • Emerging Creative Scene: While smaller in scale compared to Auckland and Wellington, Christchurch’s creative sector is on the rise, with an increasing number of design agencies, co-working spaces, and creative events;
  • Cost of Living: Christchurch’s lower cost of living compared to Auckland and Wellington may offset the slightly lower salary range for graphic designers, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more affordable lifestyle.

Factors Influencing Graphic Designer Salary in NZ

Several factors can affect how much graphic designers make in New Zealand. These include:

Educational Background

A graphic designer’s educational background plays a crucial role in determining their starting salary. The more advanced the education, the better the initial compensation.

  • Degree in Graphic Design: Having a formal degree in graphic design can significantly increase salary prospects. Employers often value the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during a degree program;
  • Related Fields: Degrees in related fields such as visual arts, communication design, or digital media can also be advantageous, providing a broader skill set and enhancing employability.

Professional Experience

Experience is a critical factor in determining a graphic designer’s salary. More experienced designers command higher wages due to their extensive portfolios and proven track records.

  • Entry-Level Designers: Typically, fresh graduates or those with less than two years of experience fall into this category. Their salaries are on the lower end of the spectrum but increase rapidly with experience;
  • Mid-Level Designers: With 3-5 years of experience, these designers often see a substantial salary increase as they take on more complex projects and responsibilities;
  • Senior Designers: Those with over five years of experience, especially in leadership roles, earn the highest salaries.

Skill Set

A graphic designer’s proficiency in various design software and tools can significantly impact their earning potential. Employers look for designers who are adept at using industry-standard software.

  • Adobe Creative Suite: Mastery of tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign is often a prerequisite;
  • Web Design Tools: Skills in HTML, CSS, and web design software like Dreamweaver can boost a designer’s value;
  • Specialized Software: Knowledge of 3D modeling software, video editing tools, and UX/UI design applications can lead to higher compensation.

Essential Skills for Higher Salaries

Software/ SkillDescription
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop is a versatile raster graphics editing software used for photo editing, graphic design, and digital art creation.
Adobe IllustratorAdobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor used for creating illustrations, logos, icons, typography, and complex artworks for print, web, and multimedia.
Adobe InDesignAdobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software used for creating print layouts for magazines, brochures, posters, flyers, and other visual materials.
HTML/CSSHTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are fundamental languages used for creating and styling web pages and web applications.
UX/UI DesignUX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) Design involve creating user-friendly interfaces and optimizing the overall experience for websites, apps, and digital products.
Video Editing (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro)Adobe Premiere Pro is a professional video editing software used for editing, enhancing, and producing videos for various platforms such as film, television, and the web.
3D Modeling (e.g., Blender, AutoCAD)3D Modeling involves creating three-dimensional digital representations of objects or scenes using specialized software such as Blender or AutoCAD, commonly used in animation, gaming, architecture, and product design.


The industry in which a graphic designer works can also influence their salary. Specialized industries often offer higher pay due to the demand for specific skills and expertise.

  • Advertising: Designers in the advertising industry often earn higher salaries due to the creative demands and fast-paced environment;
  • Digital Marketing: This industry values designers who can create compelling digital content, leading to competitive salaries;
  • Media: Working in media, especially for large companies or popular publications, can also offer higher wages.

Freelance vs. Permanent

Choosing between freelance work and permanent employment is another factor that influences a graphic designer’s salary.

  • Freelancers: They often have higher variable rates, which can lead to substantial earnings, but they lack the benefits enjoyed by permanent employees;
  • Permanent Employees: They receive consistent salaries and benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, and retirement plans, making their overall compensation package attractive.

How to Increase Your Graphic Designer Salary in NZ

Enhancing your salary as a graphic designer in New Zealand involves improving your skills and adapting to market needs. Here are some tips:

Continuing Education

Staying abreast of the latest design trends and mastering new software is essential for remaining competitive in the field. Consider enrolling in workshops, courses, or obtaining certifications to upgrade your skills. Some popular courses for graphic designers in New Zealand include:

Course TitleProviderDurationDescription
Adobe Creative CloudVariousVariesComprehensive training on Adobe’s design software
Graphic Design BasicsMassey Online10 weeksFundamentals of graphic design principles
UI/UX Design BootcampYoobee School12 weeksFocus on user interface and user experience design

Continuous learning not only keeps your skills sharp but also demonstrates your commitment to excellence to potential clients and employers.


Building a strong professional network is crucial for accessing lucrative opportunities and staying updated on industry trends. Attend industry events, join design associations such as the Designers Institute of New Zealand (DINZ), and participate in online communities like Behance or Dribbble. Networking can lead to referrals, collaborations, and even full-time employment with reputable firms.


Identifying and focusing on a niche area of graphic design can differentiate you from competitors and allow for higher rates. Consider specializing in areas such as:

  • Branding: Developing visual identities for businesses and organizations;
  • Illustration: Creating custom illustrations for various purposes, including editorial, advertising, and packaging;
  • Motion Graphics: Designing animated graphics for videos, presentations, and digital platforms;
  • Web Design: Crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

By becoming an expert in a specific niche, you can attract clients willing to pay premium rates for your specialized skills.

Portfolio Development

A compelling portfolio is your most potent marketing tool as a graphic designer. Showcase a diverse range of projects that highlight your skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Your portfolio should include:

  • Diverse Projects: Display a variety of work, including logos, branding collateral, website designs, and print materials;
  • Case Studies: Provide insights into your design process, challenges faced, and solutions implemented for each project;
  • Client Testimonials: Include testimonials from satisfied clients to build credibility and trust;
  • Online Presence: Create a professional website or utilize platforms like Behance or Dribbble to showcase your portfolio to a broader audience.

Regularly update your portfolio with new projects and achievements to keep it relevant and engaging.

Career Path and Long-Term Prospects

Graphic design is not just about current skills but also about career progression. Here’s what you might expect as you move forward:

  • Junior Designer: Starts with learning the ropes and understanding basics;
  • Mid-Level Designer: Takes on more complex projects, possibly leading small teams;
  • Senior Designer or Art Director: Oversees creative direction and strategy, significantly higher earning potential.


Pursuing a career as a graphic designer in New Zealand can be financially rewarding, especially if you continuously refine your skills and adapt to the evolving market demands. The graphic designer salary in NZ per hour reflects a range of factors, including skill level, location, and the specific needs of the market. With the right strategy and mindset, you can potentially increase your earnings significantly in this vibrant and ever-changing field.


What is the starting graphic designer salary in NZ per hour for a fresher?

For fresh graduates or those new to the field, the starting graphic designer salary in NZ per hour usually ranges from NZ$20 to NZ$25.

Can freelance graphic designers earn more than full-time employees?

Freelance graphic designers have the potential to earn more per hour than their full-time counterparts, especially if they manage multiple clients. However, they also need to handle their own taxes, insurance, and job security.

What skills are in high demand for graphic designers in New Zealand?

Skills in digital animation, UX/UI design, and proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite are highly sought after and can enhance a graphic designer’s salary in NZ.

How does location affect a graphic designer’s salary in New Zealand?

Major cities like Auckland and Wellington, with their larger markets and higher living costs, typically offer higher salaries compared to smaller towns.